صفحه شخصی رضا مهیاری   
نام و نام خانوادگی: رضا مهیاری
استان: تهران - شهرستان: تهران
رشته: کارشناسی عمران - پایه نظام مهندسی: ارشد
شغل:  مهندس ناظر
شماره نظام مهندسی:  103016044
تاریخ عضویت:  1389/03/13
 روزنوشت ها    

 سد عظیمی در ایران بخش عمومی


Karun has the highest discharge among the rivers in Iran, while it is the longest river in the Country. The length of the River is 950km and the area of its catchment is 60.000km . Karun is the only River in Iran which is navigable by boat. The source of the Karun is called Abkaj, located on Zardkuh-e Bakhtyari Mountains . The River originates from the Zagros Mountain Range. After winging through mountainous areas and flowing into the Khuzestan Plain, it reaches an area named Gotvand. The Karun is divided into two branches in the north of Shushtar, joining each other again on the south of Shushtar. The main branch of the Karun is the Dez River , which is joins the Karun on the north of Ahvaz . The Karun joins the Arvand River on the Iran–Iraq boarder, and eventually flows into the Persian Gulf .
Dam Specifications:
Height from the foundation 205 (m)
Height from the river bed 185 (m)
Crest length 462/28 (m)
Crest level 850 (m)
Crest width 5.5 (m)
Width on the foundation 29/5 (m)
Total volume of concreting 1300000 (m )
Operational normal level 845 (m)

Volume at maximum operational level of 845 (m) 2970 (Mm )
Volume at minimum operational level of 800 m 1250 (Mm )
Operational volume 1720 (Mm )
Non- Operational volume 1250 (Mm )
Water level during probable maximum flood (PMF) 851.5 (m)
Total area of lake at the maximum operational level 48/2 (km )
length of lake at the maximum operational level 60 (km)

Diversion Tunnels Diversion tunnel(No. 1) Diversion tunnel (No. 2)
Length 613 (m) 536 (m)
Internal diameter 13 (m) 13 (m)
Excavation diameter Apr.15 (m) Apr. 15 (m)
Cross section shape Hexagonal Horseshoe
Lining type Concrete Concrete lining (walls)
Number of gates 2 -
Discharge Capacity 1800 (m3/s) 1500 (m3/s)
Surface Excavation 191634 (m3) 198046 (m3)
Underground Excavation 120562 (m3) 104583 (m3)
Concreting 55567 (m3) 42695 (m3)

یکشنبه 25 مهر 1389 ساعت 11:38  
مجید صابر 08:01 دوشنبه 26 مهر 1389
 مجید صابر
مهندس عزیز با تشکر از ارسال مطالب ، در صورت امکان در خصوص میزان خسارت مخزن و نیز مشخصات قرارداد پیمانکار ، اگر اطلاعاتی دارید لطفا اطلاع رسانی فرمائید.